Spherical Transducer

Using FFR technology to produce a standard range of communications transducers with a hemispherical beam pattern, the transducers are ideal for use in a range of underwater communications and acoustic modem applications. As well as producing models tuned to suit popular modem systems, we are able to offer drop-in replacement for transducer models of other companies that may no longer be available on the market.




M18C-1.5 (01-018-154)

GeoSpectrum’s spherical transducers are suitable for a variety of applications, including active/passive sonar, marine mammal detection (MMD), acoustic data transmission, and subsea communications. A spherical transducer may be used with an M320 power amplifier if it is intended to be used as a sound source or an M304 transceiver board if it is it is intended to serve as a sound source and a receiver.

Available Units: 4
Surplus Pricing $2,325 USD

*Lead times may vary due to export permits

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